Sunday, October 5, 2014

School at home....

This year after the move and a having a baby, and pretty much having our lives turned upside down…. I knew we had to homeschool again. But we were going through a lean time as far as money goes and we just didn’t have any money to put out for curriculum.

I found an online charter school that looked really great. The curriculum looked decent and the people that I talked to at the school seemed really nice.
We filled out the application, and did the pretests {that in itself was an ordeal} and got everything sent in.

3 weeks… a move… and in a house with no furniture we got our curriculum and started on this new way of learning.

It is so different from how we homeschooled before and a lot more time consuming. There are online classes, check points, and a lot of busy work. It’s hard to go to the library… our favorite place to be… even trying to get out of the house for park days or our own field trips is hard because we have to work around s much. Pretty much it’s school at home, and I don’t like that.

After the first week I was hating it. The boys really didn't seem to care, were really good to check the boxes but they have no interest in actually learning anything. They just want to get through the days’ work to get onto reading or playing with Legos or going to the park. And really I don’t blame them. I was looking over the stuff and it is pretty dry.

They are not excited to learn, they are just checking off the boxes.

So I took a deep breath and called the school to let them know that I would be dropping the school. I am waiting for some new curriculum, but while we wait we are trying out “unschooling” and while we are doing that the boys have found some new interests.

I think that it’s scary jumping off and trying new things.

Have you ever changed things so drastically that it scared you??

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Taking Kids to the Library

When I was younger I honestly don’t remember going to the city Library. I remember going to the school library and learning about the Dewy Decimal System, and I remember one project in junior high that took me to the library so I could work on a group project {that was a horrible experience and gave me anxiety about working in groups from that point on}

My parents probably took me to the library, I just don’t remember….
Having my own kids though, I want the library to be an active part of their childhood. So we are there a lot.

Before I give some tips for going to the library here are a couple funny stories…

Tommy wanted to know how to make fire… after he was told no to both a lighter and matches he thought of the next best thing… books… The next time we went to the library he got on the computer and looked up a book on how to make fire.  Checked it out and brought it home. I saw him reading it and really didn’t think anything of it, until I saw him outside rubbing a couple sticks together! He was outside working hard to make fire. {he never did… and he still never got the matches}

When Tim was about 2 {I only had the 3 boys at the time} we went to the library, kids were getting tired and hungry, so we were getting thing ready to go. I gathered up our books and boys and was ready to go. Tim wanted to walk so I put him down. He went running through the library screaming and giggling the whole way. He grabbed a random book that was on a table and then proceeded to throw it at the nice lady at the check out counter. She held up the book and asked if I wanted to check it out I sad no…. The book was “How to Raise a Toddler”….

So here are some tips when taking kids to the library…

*Get to know the staff! – The librarians that work in the children’s section are there {generally} because they love kids. They are so helpful and as long as it is kept in check don’t mind the noise {with in reason}.

*Teach kids to use the computers to look up books!  - As soon as we made the library a weekly thing I taught the boys to use the computer to look up books. We all gathered around the computer I showed them what to type in, and to make sure it’s at the library that we are at, and to check to see if is available. Then to write down the name of the book, and the call number or last name. Then we went to look for the book. I showed them the sections of the library and how to find the book with the call numbers, or author’s last name. It took awhile for the boys to get it, but now they can all look up their own books and know how to get them. If you are unsure how to do this ask a librarian, they will be more than happy to help you.

*Teach the kids to where to put unwanted books. – Nothing is more annoying than looking for a book that is available and not being able to find it. If you don’t know how to reshelf a book, don’t. Most of the time libraries {especially the children’s area} will have a place to put the unwanted books. Sometimes it’s a bin at the end of a shelf, sometimes it’s on a table, or even baskets placed around the library to put a book that was pulled off a shelf but not checked out. Teach your children to put the books there so they can be reshelved properly.

*Keep small ones in a stroller – {hear me out…} If you have one or even 2 kids a stroller may not be necessary. If you are just going for story time and leaving you may not need it. However if you are going to be awhile it’s easier to keep a small one with grabby hands in a stroller, that way you can hand them books to look at and not worry about a little one empting an entire shelf onto the floor. {ask me how I know…} We will go to the library, everyone will get what they need and then I’ll let the toddler out of the stroller for the last 10 minutes before we check out where I can just watch him. The others don’t need me so I’m not trying to do two things at once. And the more that you go the better it gets. About 2.5 they are well behaved enough so they no longer need the stroller… we are there enough so they learn the rules fast.  I no longer have to worry about my 4 year old pulling all the books off the shelf, it just comes with time and exposure.

*Be open minded! – You may not think that your 7 year old is going to want to read a certain book because it’s way above their reading level… but you won’t ever know unless you let them. We have had books checked out from the adult section about building construction,  George Washington, Snakes, and Anatomy. For me there really is little that is off limits, and that is due to content {because of their ages}, not because I don’t think that they can read the book. … remember the book on how to build a fire…. That was not found in the children’s section…. The library is a great place to find new interests, maybe your child just looks at the pictures, or maybe they read it and find a new passion and need something deeper than what the children’s section can offer. {with that though, remind them of the library rules as they are in the teen or adult section… a lot less noise is appreciated}

*Take advantage of what the library has to offer. – There are some awesome programs that the library offers! Things for children and adults. It goes WAY beyond just story time!

*Just GO!!! – I really can’t say that enough. If you want your children to love the library, you have to make it a habit. You have to take them. Maybe it starts out with story time only and then you go home, then maybe you work up to actually checking out books but are there only long enough to get the books and check out…. But if you don’t take your kids they won’t know how to behave in a library, even the little ones will learn with time but they have to be there.

I love the library! My children have learned so many great things from being within the walls of so many books.  And I have too. I enjoy the times that I can go by myself and really look at all the books. But I also love bring the kids and seeing the books that spark their interests, some days it pretty predictable in what they will pick, other days… not so much and they are able to find a gem and start a new series, or great new pictures of something.
I love the wonder within the walls that libraries open up.

What tips do you have when you take your kids to the library?? Please share in the comments.

photo credit: Enokson via photopin cc

Monday, September 22, 2014

Cleaning Up Accidents

Oh the joys of potty training. Just when you think “Yeah!! They’ve got it!!” they surprise you and have an accident. {or 2.... or 5} {have you read my post on Potty Training?}

Here is something that I have found that works really well for cleaning up pee.

So far this has worked everywhere we have had an accident. As soon as you notice it try to blot up as much as you can. {I have found that hemp cloth diaper inserts work GREAT for this!! They absorb so much of the initial pee if you can get to it soon enough}

Any of the excess that you can get out is a good thing.

Then get Baking Soda. Just regular Baking Soda {we usually get it in bulk} and put it on the wet spot.

You don’t want a pile of it sitting on top of the wet spot, but more than a gentle sprinkle.

Then wait.

The wetter it is the longer the wait.

The baking soda will absorb the pee….. AND THE SMELL!!

When the baking soda is dry {you’ll notice that it’s kind of crusty} vacuum it up. If there is still areas that are still wet, just apply more baking soda to the area and do it again.

I have done this to beds, couches, floors, chairs, and rugs. And honestly once it’s all vacuumed there is no smell of pee.

It does take time for the baking soda to dry… and you do have to keep little hands out of it. The oh so tempting area of white looking sand….

What do you do to clean up accidents that happen at your house?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Kids and Bad Days

I wasn't looking forward to this.... the bad day.....

It really can come at almost any time.

I think I have narrowed down the three types of bad days.... the ones that you bring on yourself, the ones that happen to you, and the ones that involve someone else.

1- The ones that are brought on yourself are ones that include misbehavior, and well.... stupidity.

We have had a couple of these. There was talking in class. It kills my kids.... they are talkers! {they are their mother's child...} They are learning. But we have had bad days because of things that they have done. So far nothing to bad other than normal little kid stuff but I still like to try to end it quickly. We have talked about being respectful to teachers, and listening to others that are in charge. We have talked about attitude and how to not rub people the wrong way, and about proper tone in a voice when talking to people who are in charge. A reminder that chairs are for sitting and not for jumping off of, and running down the hall yelling "The muggles are coming" is not appropriate. So far things have been small and only a little reprimanding has been needed. I hope that is as far as it goes.

2-Then you have the one that happen to you.... You dropped your sandwich on the floor, you were running and tripped and everyone saw, you studied so hard and still didn't do well on a test.

These ones are a little harder. There really isn't anything you can change. More than just 'pay more attention.' For the boys I try to be a sounding board. There really isn't anything that needs to be fixed, they just need someone to listen to them, and be on their side. So I sit and I listen. I offer an opinion or suggestion when asked, and I usually try to follow these with a treat. On days like this I'm pretty sure a chocolate cookie will fix everything. If not I turn up the music and we have a dance party. That really is one way to get the boys to smile and laugh!

3-Then the hard one. The ones that involve someone else. With someone else being mean to your child.

So far we haven't had anything like this happen. So far the boys are making friends and loving school. But I worry for this day. I'm sure the Mama Bear in me will want to hunt the kid down that hurt my child and fix the problem. But well... So again.... I think the best thing is being there to listen. Listen and to be on your child's side. Ask them what should be done and take their lead. Give them ways to feel empowered. Let them know they are loved. {and point out people who are not directly in the family who love them.... because we all know that "my brothers are suppose to love me"} Check in often. I feel sometimes as a parent I want to fix what ever problem is going on and get past that. But I am learning that I need to step back and let the boys talk through the problem they are having and let them come up with solutions.  Sometimes when they say something I will repeat back to them what they have said and I get the look as "well that's clearly not going to work" {usually it involves a sword and some ninja skills they don't have} and then they are able to think it through again rationally. Kids need to know that no matter what they have a someone to be on their side.

Bad days are going to happen. It happens to everyone, and sadly some kids think it is the end of the world. It is our job to help them know that it's normal and that tomorrow will be a new day. We need to help them learn from the bad days and to take control to make better ones.

What are some ways you handle bad days?

Now please remember that my boys are young and do not have access to social media and right now their problems are small ones that are easy to work out. If your child is having a problem with bullies either in real life or online, go with your gut. You know what is best for your child, and while we may want to see them handle their own problems sometimes they get out of hand to quickly. Involve the police if necessary and even if it makes you and your child "uncool" never apologies for keeping your child safe!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Pressure Cooking: 101

Pressure cooking can be a scary thing for some, but it is a great way to preserve your own food. You know exactly what is in it and how it was processed.

You have a couple things to think about when buying a pressure cooker. Are you going to actually cook in it, or are you going to use it for bottling. I have the   All American 921 21-1/2-Quart Pressure Cooker/Canner

While I can cook in this, I don't, it's huge and a beast to clean out.

There are smaller pressure cookers that are great for roasts, for potatoes and other things, cooking under pressure means that things will cook at a faster rate. I haven't actually ever cooked a meal in a pressure cooker. But I have seen the smaller one that are for that exact purpose.

I have a bigger one that will hold 7 quart jars or 14 pint jars. That means I can do big batches at a time. So I can do large quantities for our big family.

First thing first.... make sure you have read the instructions and manual on your pressure cooker. It really is easier than it looks or even seems, but be sure you are familiar with your presser cooker.

You will want to wash your jars, lids, and rims.  Even if they are brand new, pop the jars and rims in the dishwasher and put them through a cycle. The lids will also get boiled so I just hand wash those, and I don't have anywhere in my dishwasher to put them that they won't fall through the cracks.

When you are ready to bottle and you have your clean jars and rims ready you'll want to boil the lids this cleans them as well as softening the rubber part under the lid so it will seal properly.

You'll notice that I have two different lids in my pot. The metal lids that come with the jars are standard, but I also use the Tattler Lids. Tattler Reusable Regular Canning Lids and Rubber Rings, BPA Free, Dishwasher Safe (Pack of 12)

Both are great to use. OUt f the many batches of things that I have pressure cooked, I have had one or two metal lids leak and about the same with the Tattler Lids. I haven't had a problem with the Tattlers at all in the pressure cooker and love them.

While the metal lids are one piece with the rubber in the lid, the Tattler Lids are two parts, a plastic top and rubber ring. Boil both and then assemble when you are ready to use them.

It is easiest to have the jars out and ready to fill rather than to have to grab them one at a time, so I put all of the jars that I will be using on the counter so they are accessible.

And don't forget to label and date your jars. You don't want to have them on the shelf and not know what is in the jar. Trust me.... chicken and pork look about the same when canned....

Other Tips....
*Unless the metal lids are bent or the rubber is cracked you can reuse them
*Use a  Sharpie to mark the lids.... and to get it off color over the Sharpie with a Dry Erase Marker and then wipe clean. ******* use the Dry Erase Marker to get the Sharpie off BEFORE you wash and process the lids******
*Get a copy of the  Jarden Home Brands 21400 Ball Blue Book and make it your new best friend. It's a great reference and such a help when canning.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Just watching

This is when we were living in Florida, #2 was about 4 years old. He has always been one for intense facial expressions when he is studying something.

There is something to be said about just letting kids observe what they see. {in case you can't see it #2 is looking at caterpillar on the table} I'll let the pictures do the talking.

I love how intense he is watching the caterpillar, and his expression says so much.

This is what free time was meant for. I still remember that day and I loved watching him watch the caterpillar.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Teaching kids to read.

I use to homeschool.... I did it for 4 years. 

I loved it. 

I always said that I would follow the Lord each school year to whether they should be put into a school or if I should still homeschool them.

This was the year that they were to go to school.

I miss them... I miss homeschooling... maybe someday again.

Anyway.... I have things that have helped me and I want to share them with you.... homeschoolers or not. And reading is at the top of many parents list of things they want their child to learn.

So here is what has helped me teach 3 boys {so far} how to read.

There are different views on when to teach reading is best but it is definitely put as something that is important.

There are so many different programs to choose from and different ways to approach reading. So many different methods and ways to entice different learners.

For us I wait until each boys tells me that they want to learn how to read and we start there. I have one child who really took his time and was a slow reader, I have one who taught himself to read, and one that used a reading program.

But they all took off and have become really good readers once they started reading the scriptures. We have always done family scripture reading, so this wasn't a new thing but as the boys got more interested in reading we would hand them the scriptures and have them read out loud.

For hundreds of years children have been learning to read out of the scriptures. There were no fancy programs to access a reading level, no stars to mark off, and no nonsense words to try to navigate. Now a days there is so much to choose from it can be a hard choice to know what is right.

Back Story....

When Steve was at DLI in California {Language school for the military} our Stake President for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints told all the soldiers that if they read the Scriptures in their designated language that they were to learn for the military, that they would learn it faster. I watched many men go from struggling in a language to passing and even excelling by following that counsel.

Fast forward to today.... I still feel that the counsel that was give still applies... only we are not learning a foreign language in our house {yet} we are just trying to read English.

Even before they know how to read they are with us for scripture reading. And when they are young and parrot like I'll read a verse 3 or 4 words at a time and have them parrot back what I have read. Again they are learning the words and phases of the scriptures even before they are capable of reading.

Once each of the boys had a basic grasp of reading, they would each pick up the scriptures and there reading skills would take off. I know the comprehension is not all the way there, I mean it's the word of God and not Dr. Seuss. But they are able to understand the basic stories and are learning who the prophets are. They are reading something that is worth wild and will help them grow and learn. Sometime I sit with them and have them read to me, other times it is on their own.

If you have a struggling reader it might seem like to big of a challenge to bring out the Scriptures when they are having a hard time on "easy" words but I know that they will do well with it. So many of the words in the scriptures repeat themselves that soon your child will start to recognize what it is. {think... "And it came to pass" "Savior" "Lord" "pray" ect.} And honestly... these are words that I want my children to be familiar with.

What have you done to help your child or children to read.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Morning Routines

We are working on mornings.... for the past 4 year I've let the boys sleep as long as they need, because we were homeschoolers... minus the occasional random day that we need to be somewhere or it's pushing 10:00 and they need to get moving....

I have found {as with most things in my life...} that simple is better. Trying to make a huge long list doesn't work but a few simple thing do. 

With them going to school, they now have to get up... there is no sleeping in. So far the mornings have been pretty smooth. I get them up with plenty of time to do the things that need to be done, and even a little snuggle for each of them in the morning before they roll out of bed.

I would love to say that they boys remember every thing I ask them to do, but alas.... they are 10,8,7. And remembering is not their strongest suit....

So I made some reminders and other things to help our mornings.

I printed and then laminated a sign for each of the doors. The first is a reminder of what I want them to do first. I really think that the best way to start the day is with prayer. Talking to the Lord and asking him for help and guidance through out the day is a habit that I would like them to build.

Then it's just a quick run through of what else there is to do.

Are my kids the only ones that think that if nobody says to make the bed that it doesn't have to be made??? I've covered my bases here!

And as a side note.... I make the boys get their clothes ready the night before, that way in the morning we are not looking for clean socks or the left shoe.

Here is something that I thought of one night.... The boys will get up in the morning and raid the cereal... and while I love that they are independent enough to manage by them self.... I also don't want them to have cereal every morning.... we go through it way to fast!

So... again with the laminating.... I have a "Today's Breakfast" sheet. I can use a dry erase marker and put what's on the menu for that day. It forces me to get up, and make them something... and they are not left wondering what is going on for breakfast... it's right there.

Also, I put a quote and a scripture on it. So while they are sitting and eating they are reading something worthwhile.

This quote is from Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley and it says.... "The Lord has mandated that his people get all the education they can. He has been very clear about this.... And I say unto you young men, rise up and discipline yourselves to take advantage of educational opportunities"

The scripture is D&C 88:119  
Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;

I haven't yet decided how often I'll change the quote and scripture.

And then lastly.... scripture reading. Sometimes the scriptures can be a daunting task to undertake. There are a lot of words and a lot of pages. Even for me I have to go back and reread a verse because I have no idea what it meant, or the what the lesson was.

I found over at The School of Abraham a great scripture help! This is what the boys have been using to read for about a year now. Everything is broken down so it's easy to read. Rather than read a whole chapter it breaks the scripture stories down to just verses.

The one pictured is for the Book of Mormon, but they also have the Old and New Testaments.

So when reading about Noah and the animals.... it's broken down and you just read the couple of verses of him actually gathering the animals.

It has a overview about what the reading is and then the verses.... I don't think any section is longer that 20 verses. This is nice in the morning because I know they are reading their scriptures but not feeling like they had to read a lot to get to the part they understand.

There it is. It's simple and easy to follow, and the boys are able to get it done every morning.... with a little reminding of course.

What are parts of your morning schedule??

Friday, January 3, 2014

My first "Mom of the year Moment"

We all have those times where we wonder why anyone would let of have children. Oh I am so thankful for mine and I wouldn't trade it for the world. But really.... how do I miss some things?? or how did they happen, I was standing 2 feet away.

That's when you know you earned the "Mother of the Year" award.

Here is my first.... {that I remember}

{this was back in 2008 and #3 wasn't even one yet}

We got up Sunday morning and as usual #3 stinks. So I take him down stairs and get the other boys some milk before changing him. I noticed it was coming up the back so I laid a towel down so it wouldn't get all over. Then I noticed that it was down the legs, so I just decided to put him in the bath tub. He needed one anyway. I put him in the tub and then took off his diaper and I hear a funny noise as something had clicked in the bathtub.

Looking down to see what it was do you want to know what I found.... ok, probably not but I'm going to tell you.

I found BATTERIES!!! The little ones that look like smarties. Some stupid dollar store toy batteries fell out. Did I know he ate these? NO. Do I know when? NO. They were small like smarties, and I guess they just pass right through. Fortunately there was no damage to his insides, and the batteries weren't open or anything. My heavens this child will be the end of me. He is my #3 but is giving me many firsts. First child to pass anything not food, first child to lick Pledge, first child to figure out EVERY baby proofing thing we've done, oh, and I'm not even going to get into his birth....

My life is always interesting. If you are ever board you should just come and spend a week with me.

Do you have any "Mother of the Year" moments??

The Unspoken Truths of Babies

Congratulations!!! You are bringing home your bundle of joy! This new baby will light up your life in ways that you never knew were possible.

With all the "experts" out there telling you everything that you need to know about your new baby I'm going to tell you about the unspoken truths that really happen.

First of all... the only thing that this baby will get from it's parents are its looks. Believe it or not this little blob that you just brought home will grow into its own human. You can try to mold him into a something but ultimately this tiny person has his own personality. Get use to it. If you are super out going you will probably end up with a shy child. If you are so uncoordinated and can barely kick a ball, you'll get a super star athlete. It's just the way it is.

Next.... at some point you really will think your baby has been taken over by a demon. Weird noises will come from your child as well as all sorts of unnatural body fluids and there will be projectile vomiting. You'll swear that he was 12 feet from the wall and yet that is where all the vomit landed. It will pass. And your child will again be your precious little one. It's a right of passage for all new parents to try to figure out where the green stuff that is all over the baby actually came from.

Now well meaning people will tell you to sleep when the baby sleeps.... Two problems with that. If you have more than one child at home good luck with that. As soon as you get the baby to sleep and think you are going to lay down that's when the toddler will figure out how to unlock all 12 locks you have on your front door and escape. Or he will decided that he needs a bath and the toilet already has water in it. No... when you have extra kids at home {who would normally watch TV} with a new baby will all of a sudden need you every second that the baby is sleeping.... even if dad is home. And the other... If baby is the only one you'll think 'great he's sleeping I'm going to lay down'.... Then with out fail every person and the dog will come to the door. You'll get packages, well meaning friends, a stray dog that keeps scratching. Face it sleeping when the baby sleeps is a ridiculous thought.

The term "Baby Proofing" is in my opinion a dumb thought. When have you ever seen a newborn launch himself out of someone's arms to put a knife in an electrical outlet??? Yeah... me neither. Toddler Proofing is a better term. By all means be safe, I'm not saying to leave open flames all over your house and hope that nothing happens. But be realistic in your expectations. If you don't get all the outlets covered and cupboards locked before baby comes home from the hospital it's ok. You'll have time to do that. Besides... all the baby proofing in your home that you do is more to irritate you than it is to keep the child safe. Kids... even little one are smarter than we give them credit for, they are the ones that can figure out the "Child Safety Locks" while we parents have to use a hammer to get things open.

Just don't dress the baby.... I mean in nice clothes any way. It's cute and all but really, the Baby Law states that "If I am in a nice outfit, especially something that is all white, hand made, or an antique I must have a massive blowout that requires a whole box of wipes and an bath for both me and the person changing me." I'm serious leave a baby in a onesie or just a sleeper. Nice outfit means poop for days! If you are going to do pictures "try" to trick the child and not get him dressed until 10 seconds before the picture is taken and then quickly undress him. But be advised... they are smart and have supplies ready to handle the unexpected.

Speaking of poop, up until this point all things poop has been a private matter. But as soon as you have a baby it becomes an open topic of conversation. How many times your child does or doesn't poop, the color of it, the smell of it.... yes, you'll go there. And.... you'll be amazed that you will be able to smell your kid from across the room, you'll be able to pick him out from a dozen kids, and know exactly how much he pooped. And when you are having an off day you won't think twice about picking your kid up to smell his butt. {and we always talk about how gross dogs are for smelling butts.... } And then in the toddler years you will celebrating when the little one poops in the toilet. Phone calls will be made, Facebook statuses will be updated. Poop is now a part of your daily life.

Never say "I will never".... You'll eat those words so fast. You say 'I will never let the baby fall asleep in my arms' next think you know you are out on the couch with the baby on your chest while both of you are sleeping because this is how anyone in the house will ever have a chance to sleep again {see reason above for not sleeping} You say 'I will never put a leash on my child' and you will end up with a wandering child that is like Houdini when it comes to escaping.... remember they are their own person. You say 'I will never'... the baby will help you change that.

This is a wonderful time! Babies are awesome!! Except for when they aren't. Don't feel bad if you have a bad day. It's ok to hand the baby off to someone else and go for a walk or take a shower or even have sex with your husband. I'm serious. I had a friend call me and ask me to take her baby for a while because she just needed to be with her husband without feeling guilty that the baby was being unattended in the next room. Babies cry, and sometimes that's all they do for no reason. It will pass... I promise you that you will not send your sweet child off to college still crying for no reason.

Please.... Please.... have realistic expectations for yourself. TV mom are not real, Celebrity moms have help. You are a real person. If all you accomplish today is to brush your teeth celebrate that! The next day..... or month will be better. The mom that you see who seems to have it all put together... Yeah, the truth is she hasn't showered in 4 days and after she got in the car realized that she wasn't wearing shoes. Don't compare yourself with anyone. Babies should bring joy... sometimes they won't... it's true... but comparing yourself to someone else will will NEVER bring joy.

As a mom of 5... soon to be 6 kids the "experts" know nothing.... these are the real things about babies!!

{Tell me what would you add to this list??} 

Potty Training

Oh yeah, what a great time of life!!! Time to throw out the diapers and condense the purse. You will soon be able to leave the house without getting everyone in the car and then smelling that smell, and knowing that your little one just had a blowout and you now have to change clothes and the car seat as well.

But first we must hurdle the ever daunting task of potty training.

Like everything in life hindsight is 20/20 and the thought of having to actually take the steps to potty train makes some want to rip their hair out. But when its done, there’s happy dances done by all.

So far I have potty trained 4 boys. Each boy came with his own rules on how this new adventure was to turn out, and I had to learn to just go with it.

#1 was by far my hardest. There was one time that I was in the basement huddled in the corner, rocking myself, crying on the phone to the husband that this boy will never pee in the toilet. {let it be known that I was also 5 months pregnant with #3 so crazy was part of my day} Anyway, he went back in diapers for a while.
So here are some tips that might help you avoid the rocking…

*Please wait until they are ready AND you are ready. #4 was ready about 3 months before he was 3 years old BUT... we were in the middle of a move. Moving across the country while potty training would have been the death of me. So if you know your life is going to take a crazy turn just hold off.

*Explain to them what is going on with their body. Up until now they never had to think about it. Tell them what it feels like to pee. Point to their body parts {and please use the correct name for everything} and help them connect the dots to what they are doing.

*I only have them use the regular toilet, with no extra seat. My reasons for this are 2 fold. First, the thought having to clean out a little potty grosses me out. Worse than cleaning dirty underwear, and messes on the floor. And I don’t want them to think that sitting in front of the TV all day on a potty is what we do. Second…. If we are at a friends’ house and they have to go I want them to be able to go. I want them to be comfortable peeing at home at the store, at the neighbors’ house ect.  It’s a personal thing, but those are my reasons.

*If you have an independent child who doesn’t like being told what to do try changing the way you say “Go Potty”.  #1 didn’t like being told to go to the bathroom and sit and wait if he really didn’t feel like he needed to go. So I got a timer {The PeePee Beeper} Juiced him up and set the timer. I set it for every 10 minutes and when it went off I asked him if his body was ready to pee. I wasn’t telling him to go I wasn’t running him to the bathroom and making him sit. If he said no I respected that {and then set the timer for only 5 minutes}  He felt he had more control over his body and was willing to stop and check to see if his body needed to pee.

*The reluctant potty goer might be afraid of missing things. If you promise that nothing will change keep to that. So the toy that they were playing with needs to still be there untouched until he gets back. If you were playing a game that same game needs to pick right back up where you left off. It won’t take long before they realize that when they are gone for a short time it’s ok.

*I have taught all my boys to sit first. They have to anyway when they poop. And I sit them backwards on the toilet. They are able to balance better, and if they forget to hold their penis down at least it sprays the back of the toilet and not all over the bathroom. Once they can pee that way they are usually really good about standing and not making a mess.

*Make the reward worth it. And it doesn’t always have to be a new toy. In our house you can’t use scissors or wear a tie to church until you are potty trained. Those are privileges for “big boys”. 

*For night time…. Get 3 or 4 plastic sheets then layer the bed with a plastic sheet, and then a fitted one. Keep doing that until you run out of sheets. Then when there is an accident at night you only have to strip one set and send them back to bed. No remaking a bed required.

There are all sorts of ways to potty train and each child will respond differently, but these are things that have consistently worked for us.

And once it's done I take myself out. Good Heavens it's a lot of work to potty train a child!! So once the rewards are passed out for doing the deed I treat myself with something for sticking with it.

What are some things that have worked for you?